Friday, March 23, 2012

The Jesse Miller Show

Yesterday I was invited to a screening of a pilot show for Comedy Central called The Jesse Miller Show. My good friend Shaunie knows the people on the show, so he sent me the info to get me in. Now, I didn't know anything about this Jesse Miller character going into the show, but it was a lot of fun....just extremely long. The show was scheduled to tape at six and I didn't get out of there until well past nine. Ugh. The main reason I went was because the guest star on the show was Sam Trammell. When I saw him last week, I told him I'd be at the show, so I had to follow through (and if I hadn't told him, I probably would've gone home...I was tired!). Despite the long day, I'm glad I went. It was great to experience the show - plus, I was right in the front row! After the show I got to see Sam for a few minutes, so that always equal a fab day for me! :)

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