Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun at the Hilton

It's always great when you can combine doing something you love with someone you love doing it with. Lindsay from and I met at a barricade on Valentine's Day last year (we just had our stalk-i-versary!) and she's been super fun to go to events with (in addition to being an amazing friend). Back in January we were at a pre-Golden Globes event and met fellow celebrity enthusiast, Kathy. Although Kathy technically lives in Kansas, she comes out to LA for work almost every week, so we decided that we'd definitely need to get together with her when she's here. Unfortunately Lindsay was out of town last week, but I was able to meet Kathy over at the Hilton for a drink. Of course I had to take a picture of it -gorgeous, right? It had an apple star! Just having a few laughs in the bar with the girls! It was a really fun night. One thing we're trying to do is help Kathy get more comfortable with asking for celeb pics. I think this is a great one - and before I got there she even got one on her own! I'm impressed! We're teaching her well. :)

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