Thursday, March 29, 2012

Everything Looks Better With Glitter

It's too bad I don't work in a profession that encourages glitter usage (like being a stripper or something - ha ha) because there's nothing I love more than glitter. We all know I use a fancy lotion that contains glitter, so my skin is already sparkling every day, but now I've found something to make my eyes pop, as well. My dear friend Lindsay from has been rocking these glitter eyelids for awhile and every single time she wears it I'm filled with jealousy. Where did she get those gorgeous glitter lids?!!?! Turns out they're from Sephora - the Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner collection to be exact.Of course I had to copy her and order my own stat. I got the pink color (surprise!) called "Groupie" - could it be more perfect for me?!?! I think not. Now I just need to branch out and get a few more colors - white and blue perhaps? I'd love to rock the eyes above!
Also cool? This glitter hairspray! Yep, that's right - soon I'm just going to be one bright twinkling light walking around. :)

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