Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - George Clooney

Can you hear me screaming?!?!! That's right - I finally got my "unicorn" George Clooney. The man who'd somehow escaped me until last night. George Clooney! George Clooney! As expected, he was soooooo nice. Of course, I wasn't taking any chances - after working so hard to find a ticket to the event he was speaking at, I was going to do whatever it took to seal the deal. My solution? I made him a scarf. Do you see the scarf and card in his hand? That's right, we're BFFs now. OK, maybe just in my fantasy. Carry on. Regardless, Cutest. Picture. Ever. Thanks, George! :)


  1. Your giving Clooney a scarf face looks familer, I've seen it before..... Oh ya its the same as my dancing with Mraz face.

    Pure joy. :)

  2. Man, he's just so handsome. Nicely done!
