Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Much Snow

I'm not sure these pictures accurately display the horror that went down in Park City, UT today, but I can assure you that it sucks.

In all eleven years here, I've never been so cold, seen so much snow, or been as miserable as I was today. To add insult to injury, my car got stuck in the snow after sliding off the road not once, but twice on my way home. I couldn't even get my car home and it's now in a parking garage a few streets away. I walked the rest of the way in the freezing cold, arms full, after a day of suck.

So far, not a great start. Violently ill, car not working great, and I'm cold and still sick.

At least I've got my trusty boots to protect my tootsie feet. Phew!

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