Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pleasantly Surprised

Thank you, Redbox, for introducing me to a few films that I didn't really have high hopes for. I was pleasantly surprised. First one? Mr. Popper's Penguins. Jim Carrey, always funny, was totally on his game along with, quite possibly, the cutest co-stars on earth. I don't know how they got six penguins to dance and act (OK, probably CGI, but whatever...), but it was really fun and cute. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The next one? I Don't Know How She Does It. Yes, it has the WORST movie title on earth - made even more annoying by the fact that they had just about every supporting character say those words to her throughout the film - but despite that I liked it a lot. I'd heard such terrible things, I kind of rented it to see how bad it was (like Larry Crowne, which I couldn't even sit through). But, it was surprisingly cute. Nicely done, SJP.

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