Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pinky's Fandance - Rob Schneider

When I was in college, every inch of my dorm room was covered in pictures - mainly of friends, but there were a few choice posters thrown in for good measure. One of these awesome posters was of "The Richmeister" from SNL, played hilariously by the one and only Rob Schneider. I've wanted to get a picture with Rob for SO LONG. I missed him at Sundance, he didn't do pics when I saw him on a talk show, and I was out of town when he performed stand-up nearby. Bugger! Thankfully he was out to promote his new show yesterday and I was able to meet him. Hooray! He was really cool and seemed entertained by my telling him about "The Richmeister" poster. Come on - how could I resist telling him about it? Now I just need Sandler and Rock to complete my SNL collection of fave boys - well, and Dennis Miller. And Mike Myers. And Dana Carvey. Nevermind. It's a work in progress....

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