Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An Open Letter to the Universe

Dear Universe, Please find some way to bless me with an outpouring of financial gain - at least temporarily. You see, the following idols from my childhood are going to be appearing at the Hollywood Show in February and I desperately need pictures with them:First off, we have David Lander - aka "Squiggy" - in attendance. It's Squiggy! Must. Have.
Next up: Marcia Marcia Marcia herself, Maureen McCormick! Um, hello, my Brady collection is in desperate need of this photo.
Speaking of Marcia Marcia Marcia, here's hoping they put her table directly next to her teen idol, Davy Jones. That would be AMAZEBALLS. And even if I have to put my car up for sale to do so, I'm getting a picture with this fabulous Monkee.Here's where it gets tricky: Apparently Elvira charges A LOT for a picture. Totally worth it, but still. I'll be off work for two weeks and therefore practically destitute. So, you see the reason for my letter now, right?Last but certainly not least, Cameron Dye, will be there! For those not up on their '80s movies, Cameron played Nic Cage's BFF, Fred, in the cult classic Valley Girl. Hello, Valley Girl! I could not love a movie more. Seriously, Universe, hook a pink girl up.
Best regards and positive energy,
Pinky Lovejoy

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