Friday, January 6, 2012

No Fighting on the Playground

Yesterday at the beach I got into a slight altercation with an awful woman at the beach. She chose to have her dog on a leash and I chose (along with the majority of the beach) to have mine off which, apparently, she didn't appreciate. All Sammy wanted to do was play with her dog because he's friendly and she started kicking at him. When I told her to stop kicking at my dog, words were exchanged. Here's the thing: You're a grown woman, I'm not sure why you have to resort to name-calling. And I didn't even know how to respond to a grown (stupid-head) woman calling me names, so I just used said, "Oh, yeah, real mature" in that voice reserved for mocking siblings or stupid people. Where did that come from? And why did she have to call me a name? It had already taken every last bit of energy I had to ward off my migraine long enough to take Sammy to the beach, but then to have a fight with The Worst Woman On Earth? No bueno.

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