Monday, December 19, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Ed Lauter

Ed Lauter is a perfect example of why you should always be looking around when you're in LA because you never know who's standing right in front of you. In our case, Ed was walking right in front of us as we left the Emilio Estevez screening. Now, while I definitely recognized, it's *possible* that I thought he was the guy who played the dad on Six Feet Under. Oops. To make things worse, I *may* have told Ed I enjoyed his Sundance movie (that starred the dad on Six Feet Under) and he looked at me like I was crazy. Thankfully he said he was in The Artist recently and a good friend of the Sheen family. Nice guy.

1 comment:

  1. Um - hello? Isn't he the dad on "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"? The SJP movie version...
