Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Hello Kitty Holidays

This weekend I received not one, but two super exciting packages in the mail. The first was from my good friend Angie who sent this amazing Hello Kitty steering wheel cover...
along with this Hello Kitty CD holder, a Hello Kitty make-up kit, and a bunch of other fun stuff. LOVE IT ALL! Thanks, Ang!
The next day I received a super fun package from my girl (and loyal reader) Lavonna containing the greatest Hello Kitty hat/scarf combo in the history of the world. Will I be styling at Sundance or what?!?!
She also sent this brilliant Hello Kitty purse, a Hello Kitty stocking, and a bunch of cool Hello Kitty Pez dispensers. Thanks so much!!! Seriously, you girls are spoiling me rotten (and I love it). Thanks again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the package..hope to see the hat and scarf in some sundance pictures.