Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy and Grateful

The other day as I was walking on the beach with Sammy, I looked at the sunset (cue cheesy music here) and thought about how grateful for everything I have in my life right now. Seriously. I know I'm mainly sarcastic about things in general, but I'm honestly, truly full of gratitude right now. I love where I live, I love being close to my family, I love hanging out with my dad, I love my job, I love my puppy, I love my friends (both old and new - especially the new little posse I've gotten to know this year), I love being able to go to Sundance and go to movie premieres and shows and all the fun things I do. I love that I can follow Duran Duran on a whim or see my favorite movie star down the street. I love that my brother isn't too far away and that my mom comes to visit several times a year. I love that my friends in Salt Lake haven't forgotten me and make me feel loved on a regular basis. I love that I can write and be creative and do my crafts and be perfectly content.
I love being by the beach, I love seeing the ocean every day, I love that I'm able to walk there with Sammy, and I love my snuggly microfleece sheets I sleep on. I'm a very lucky girl and I'm so happy where life has taken me. For a long time it felt like I was going down a rabbit hole of sorts, but coming out the other side feels like that happened a million years ago. You know that song "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands"? Let's just say I'm clapping my hands. Loudly. :)

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