Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Review

We had a very nice Christmas, thankyouverymuch, although I'm beat down and ready for a real vacation now. Is that normal? Sammy enjoyed his first Christmas, as he got this super comfy blanket that he loves, and some fun toys. My sister and her daughter, Phoenix, showing off their cool stuff. What's this? Spenser smiling?!?! It's a Christmas miracle! Family photo take one. My sister brought us that tree on Christmas Eve, so it wasn't really decorated. Plus, Sammy would've destroyed it. Adam showing off the awesome shirt I got him. Little Miss Phoenix and her Snuggie. Family photo take two. By the end of the festivities, Sammy had had enough. It was just too much activity for this little guy.
Yep, that's pretty much how he looked. I hope your holidays were great!

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