Sunday, November 6, 2011

Russell Brand Rules

Russell Brand never ceases to make me laugh and I've been dying to get a picture with him. He performed at a local club a few months back and I've been kicking myself ever since for not going. Luckily today he was at a charity event that I attended and I was finally able to meet him. Actually, it looked as though the picture wasn't going to work out because he was walking so quickly to his car and there were a ton of people around. I called out to him that I'd driven from Ventura and asked for a picture and he stopped, posed, and said, "Ventura? Are you mad?" My favorite thing happened after we took our picture, though. He was already in his car when I heard him yell out, "Adios, mi amigo!" I wasn't sure who he was talking to, but then he got out of the car, came over and swooped this little boy up in his arms and gave him a big hug. My camera was a little slow on the draw, but you get the idea. Love him!

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