Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Tammy Pescatelli

As a lover of all things stand-up comedy related, especially Last Comic Standing, I was beyond excited to finally get to meet Tammy Pescatelli. Tammy was on the season I loved so much (along with John Heffron, Alonzo Bodden, and Kathleen Madigan to name a few) and since she lives back East I never see her having any gigs around here.
Luckily the other day she tweeted there were free tickets available for her show at the Impro last night, so I finally had my chance to not only see her perform live, but to get a picture with the hilarious and hysterical comedian. Wahoo!
P.S. Did I mention that she's tweeted me back not once, not twice, but THREE times? I'm pretty sure in Twitterverse that means we're officially besties. I'm just saying.

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