Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Octavia Spencer

Anyone who has seen The Help knows that Octavia Spencer stole the entire show. While it's true the rest of the cast is amazing, Octavia knocked it out of the park and made me laugh and laugh. Two slice Hilly! I was at two events last month where I missed meeting her, so I was thrilled to finally have the chance last night at a screening of The Help. Although I'd seen it and loved it before, it was just as good on the second viewing. Better, in fact (if that's even possible). The entire cast was lovely and I couldn't have been more pleased about meeting them. The only bummer was that my camera committed suicide right as I was about to get a picture with Octavia, so this had to be taken on my iPhone as the last resort...hence the wonky color. Oh, well. Still love it!

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