Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dear Santa (aka Why I Need A Samsung Multi-View Camera)

Dear Santa, To prove to you how very good and deserving of special treats I am this year, I'm writing you super early to request the toy I desire with all my heart. They've FINALLY done it, Santa! They've done it! They've created a tiny camera with a multi-angle screen - exactly what I've been wanting for years and years. I can take self-portraits from a variety of angles - perfect for my celebrity pics! I can tell you're very excited about this, as well, Santa, and so you may have your elves start working on one for me right away. In fact, if you'd like to deliver it early (as my other cameras aren't working right now) that would be amazing. Thanks so much, Santa! You're doing a great job! Love and hugs, Pinky Lovejoy

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