Friday, November 25, 2011

Autograph Success

My friend Scotty and I ventured over to The Cure concert the other day to see if we could catch Robert Smith arriving to his show. From what we'd heard, he signed before the shows, not after as we'd hoped the other night. So, since it was the last night of the show, we thought we'd get lucky and meet Robert Smith.
One of the fans there was wearing this shirt. Isn't it amazing?!?!
I thought the crowd would be in control, but I was wrong. It was total madness. When Robert arrived, every single person there lost their minds. I got smashed into the fence. I took this picture after somehow escaping certain death.
Miraculously, I managed to get an autograph in all that craziness. Of course, I would've preferred a picture, but this was the closest I've ever been to Robert Smith, so I'll take it.
Here we are showing off our success.

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