Sunday, October 16, 2011

What a Fun Surprise!

I LOVE surprises - especially when they come in the form of a super cute package on my front door. On Saturday I received a "mystery box" from the BYU Bookstore - immediately struck with fear, I remembered that my dear friend Debra worked at BYU and was, most likely, behind the mystery box. Sure enough, I opened the box to discover this adorable note from Debra's daughter, Nyah, and this picture she drew me: Seriously, I'm going to have to frame it. I love that she drew a Hello Kitty (although she calls her Miss Kitty, which always makes me laugh). Apparently, they saw these cupcakes in a store and Nyah insisted they buy them for me - hence the reason for the package.
Also included? Some fun pink cereal...
and all the fixins for cupcakes! YUM! Thanks so much! I love it!

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