Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weird Science Trifecta: Complete!!!

I'm so excited to announce that my Weird Science Trifecta has now been completed. After meeting Kelly LeBrock earlier this year and then Anthony Michael Hall last week, I was totally inspired to make the trek out to see Ilan Mitchell-Smith...and I'm SO glad I did!
While I've met casts from TV shows before, this is the first time I've met the top characters from one of my fave films (although, I guess I did meet both Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, so I stand corrected).
Weird Science has always been one of my fave John Hughes' films and I had SUCH a crush on Ilan Mitchell-Smith! I was a total geek when we met - nervous chatter, shaking hands, the whole nine yards. I'm sure he thinks I'm the biggest dork in the world. No matter. Trifecta COMPLETE!!!

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