Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things I've Learned from my Dog

After spending all weekend with my sweet little puppy, Sammy, I realized that he's teaching me stuff every day. A few of the top lessons I'm learning from my dog: 1) Don't be afraid to try new things. Whether I'm slagging him around to a movie premiere, or we're walking a new route, Sammy's always more than excited to try something new. His enthusiasm is awesome.
2) Commit yourself to things you love. When Sammy loves something, he throws his whole self into it. Whether it's chasing his tail, learning to dance, or learning how to mingle with the stars, Sammy fully commits. Lately when he sees something he likes (say, a sock, or some random thing on the ground), he not only wants to touch it, he wants to touch it with his entire body - even rolling around on it. I love watching him try to get his back on something - he'll roll all over just trying to fully connect with the new item he loves. I want that kind of enthusiasm! 3) There's no such thing as too much love. Sammy is the biggest snuggler / kisser I know. He's so sweet to just curl up next to me on a chair. Yesterday, he put his little head on my chest as we watched TV. Cutest. thing. ever.4) Never hide your feelings. You always know exactly what Sammy's thinking at any given time. He's very vocal and when he's not, you can see it all over his face. For example, this is his, "We really have to watch more baseball?" look. 5) Never underestimate the power of being cute. It's true, Sammy probably gets away with way more than he should simply because he's the cutest thing on earth. But, seriously, could you say no to this face?
6) Get lots of rest. Last, but certainly not least, Sammy always listens to his body and rests when he's tired. I could learn a lot from his example, as sometimes I feel like I'm constantly on the move. It'd serve me better to slow down and take a break. Follow his lead.
7) List to your internal clock. My dad just wrote in with a last minute addition, as Sammy hangs out in his room after I go to work. This morning Sammy started licking Dad's face and waking him up in time for work. We're not sure how Sammy knew that it was time to wake him up, but if it hadn't been for my Wonder Dog, my dad would've overslept. Good dog! :)

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