Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Rainn Wilson

Let's be clear here: this was not an easy picture to get. I realize Rainn looks all happy and smiley in the picture, but the truth is that I literally had to BEG him to take it. Now, I've wanted a picture with Rainn forever - and I've gone to premieres and talk shows to get it - but, he doesn't do it. Sure, I know the odd person here and there who has a picture with him, but it's not common. He's the Kenneth (aka Jack McBrayer) of the West Coast. Wait. Scratch that. He's cooler than that since he actually (finally) did it. When Rainn first came out into the lobby, I asked him for a picture. He said no. He didn't give a flimsy reason or insinuate that he was in a hurry, he just said no and walked away. I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised as I knew this was his reputation. Bummer. Later I saw him in the lobby standing there talking and, although I knew it was risky, I took another shot when he finished his conversation. Hey, I wanted the picture - I even thought about getting on my knees and begging (don't judge me), but, thankfully, I didn't have to. He said yes, I had until the intermission was over. Fine with me, camera was ready. Phew! Got it! Now, if only I could get Steve Carrell....and James Spader...all would be right with the world. Fingers crossed!

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