Tuesday, October 11, 2011

No Dog Fights

Yesterday something terrible happened - my little Sammy got ganged up on at the beach. I'd say attacked, but that seems too strong of a word. Basically, there were three big, mean dogs, and my sweet little puppy who just wants friends to play with. If he had a voice, I like to think he'd sound like Babe on the movie Babe: Pig in the City. He's just a cute little happy guy. In retrospect, I should have realized these were not nice dogs, but Sammy usually likes big dogs (since he thinks he is one) and they seemed very interested in him. I didn't want to be a "smother" and not let him play. From everything I've read, I need to let him play rough sometimes. But, after awhile I could see this wasn't the usual playing he does with friendly dogs; these dogs were not playing. They were bullying him. The worst part was that I was in the middle of it - basically, my worst fear. Big, ugly, ferocious dogs coming out me. No, thank you. I might be a newly reformed dog person, but I haven't come that far. Those dogs were mean.
The worst part was that the owners weren't paying attention; in fact, I don't even know who they were. At one point I wanted to scream, "Who owns these dogs?!!" but I thought I was being irrational and was trying to not freak out. Finally, when I'd had all I could take, I swooped in and picked up my tiny little kick-ass Sammy (who was totally holding his own, by the way. He's a super tough dog who just wants to fit in) and marched him away as quickly as I could (while those other dogs jumped up on me to try to get him....*shudder*). NEVER AGAIN. If those dogs come at us again, they have another thing coming. And those parents are going to get an earful, I'll tell you that. NO ONE messes with my puppy. NO ONE.

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