Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lucky Duranie

Whenever I'm at a DD show and start talking to other Duranies I'm struck by how lucky I am to not only have seen them live so many times, but to have pictures with three of the four of them. There are so many people who've never seen them play, let alone have a picture with them.
The first one I met was Simon LeBon, the lead singer.
Next was Roger Taylor, the drummer.
Last, but certainly not least, I met my true love, Nick Rhodes, the keyboardist.
We met again this year in March.
Actually, we met twice in March. Score!
I've been going to all these shows and bemoaning the fact that I don't have a picture with John and that Nick hasn't finished my tattoo, but here's the thing: Look what I do have! Why must I be such a greedy Duranie!? I'm SO freaking lucky! I need to focus on all the good and stop obsessing about what I don't have. Sheesh.

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