Exciting news! As of yesterday, getting to my website is as easy as typing in
www.pinkylovejoy.com - am I fancy, or am I fancy? I know, I'm quite fancy. Don't be jealous. I realize to you it might look exactly the same, but I'm super excited about the easier address. According to my friend Mikey, using a blogspot address made my site feel "janky"
(whatever that means). And so, I am janky no more!

Big thanks to Bret, Lindsay's hubby, for bringing my site into the 21st century. I feel like I'm Pinnochio and just turned into a real boy. Or like Ariel getting her legs. Too dramatic? Fine. Whatever. Just rest assured that in the World of Pink, this is equivalent to Nick Rhodes finally realizing I'm his destiny. Oh, wait. Maybe that IS dramatic. I apologize.
Plus, on that day I'll be so happy I'll run away to England never to be heard from again.
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