Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, McP!!!

Here ye, here ye, today is a very special day - it's the 4th birthday of the one and only Little Miss P. That's right - Little Miss is four (going on sixteeen) and we all love her so very much. Too bad she told her parents that they needn't take her out for her birthday since Pinky would be there to take her out (do you hear that sound? It's the sound of my heart breaking). OUCH. Hopefully she's not too disappointed when I don't walk through that door. Sigh. I miss that little cherub. Obviously, she's in great hands with her family....I'm sure they'll have lots and lots of fun.
Then again, who wouldn't have fun with Little Miss in the room? She brightens every room she enters.
Happy birthday, McP!
Miss and love you tons! :) xoxox

1 comment:

  1. She has gotten so big so fast. I love this post. Thanks. She is looking good in you Snuggie. ;)
