The Halloween party last night was a lot of fun. I should've taken better pics of my Valley Girl Duranie costume, but it was still a blast.

The party was an '80s theme, so Joe, the host, dressed up as the main character of Beetlejuice.

My friend Josh - on the far right - was Billy Idol and his friend GianCarlo was Wolverine. Like the blades?

Trying to get a better shot of Wolverine's outfit.

Me and Nicole, Joe's girlfriend, who was also dressed up as a character from Beetlejuice.

A better group shot where you can at least see my fun gloves and Sammy's cute costume. He was Frogger.

Too blurry, but at least you can see my Duranie shirt, circa 1984.

Josh and his friend Brennan who was Darth Vader with a very cool light saber.

A group shot of some of the partygoers.

Josh and Brennan with the weird flash on.

Nicole making some drinks for the guests. They were delish!

Joe and Nicole - cutest couple ever.
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