Saturday, October 15, 2011

Farmer Ted! The Geek! Brian! WOW

By the end of the week, all I want to do is go home. Especially on a Friday afternoon - I just want to get home, take Sammy to the beach, and relax. However, when there's an event where Anthony Michael Hall is one of the presenters, I make an exception and stay in town. It's Anthony Michael Hall, people!!! That's a MAJOR alert. And so it was that I went to an event with the amazing Miss Lindsay from and her husband, Bret, in order to try and meet the one and only Anthony Michael Hall. As you can see....our mission was a BIG SUCCESS!!! Anthony was SO nice - he's one of those "What's your name" type celebrities who genuinely seem to care about their fans. I, of course, totally freaked out when I saw him, but he was great. He didn't even mind when I went off on a tangent about Ilan Mitchell-Smith, which I appreciated. Thanks, Anthony. You made my whole night!

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