Saturday, October 1, 2011

Duran Duran + Vegas = Bliss

The Duran Duran show in Vegas last night at The Joint at the Hard Rock Cafe was nothing less than amazeballs.
Although their set list was almost identical to Tuesday's LA show, their energy was off the charts which made the whole show feel fresh.
For arriving way too close to showtime, I found a pretty decent spot by Nick's side of the stage.
Initially these drunkards in front of me were blocking my view and driving me batty, but eventually I went in front of them and had the only view of the stage I was interested in: watching Nick Rhodes.
Not that the others weren't fun to watch, as well. No matter how many times I see DD live, I always leave the show completely invigorated and on a total high.
I even got this awesome button at the show! Yay!
Here are those scary floating singing heads.
While I did see the boys get in their cars once again after the show was over, no luck with pics. Blurgh. At least Simon had his window rolled down - as they drove away I was able to say, "See you tomorrow!" I hope that didn't make me sound *too* crazy.

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