Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where Does The Time Go?

I can't believe it's already September. Where does the time go? Wasn't it just January like last week? I realize it's a cliche to say, but time seems to be going faster and faster every year. Before you know it, it'll be Christmas, then March, then I'll blink and it'll be summer, and repeat. Sheesh. On the plus side, September does bring about a world of exciting things happening in the Land of Pink. First off, the Surfrider Celebrity Expression event next weekend with my true love, Sam Trammell. We took my fave pic ever at the event last year (and, if pressed, I'll admit to starting to crush on him on that very day). Looking forward to it!

Next up? The Emmy Awards with my super cute friend Lindsay (from who's going to be my hot date. I can't wait! I've found the perfect dress (black with a pink sash around the waist) and now just need to find some jewelry and shoes. Wahoo! Finally, the end of the month will bring not one,

not two,
but THREE Duran Duran concerts! I'm sure Nick Rhodes is counting down the seconds until he gets to see me. Who wouldn't?

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