Thursday, September 15, 2011

What A Difference A Year Makes

With the Emmy awards rapidly approaching, I'm left remembering how sweet and innocent (stop laughing) I was last year at this time. I'd only been in LA for a short time and my celeb collection was fairly decent, but nothing like it is now. I mean, hello. I certainly didn't have this in my collection at the time: Johnny Depp anyone? Yeah. I know. It almost boggles my mind that at this time last year I was meeting my very first member of True Blood (I now have pics with almost the entire cast). I didn't have anyone from Modern Family (I'm only missing two people now). I only had a few people from Glee (again, almost everyone now). And, I'd only met one person from The Office (now I'm just missing three people). Probably the most telling? I didn't have sweet little Sammy. Or a picture Hilary Swank for that matter.
I'd never met Erik Estrada. We've now met three different times (and are, apparently, in love, according to this picture).
Most shocking of all?!? I hadn't yet met Sam. Yep, that's right - I didn't meet Sam until the Friday before the Emmy awards last year. Can you believe it? Sometimes I can't believe my life - I went from reading celeb blogs and mags in Utah a few years ago to being surrounded by the same people from the blogs and mags on a daily basis. It's nothing for me to see someone and be unphased because I already "have them." Don't get me wrong - I still love it just as much, it's just funny how many people I've met. It's insane. And awesome. I'm stoked.

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