Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

It's true - I was practically born with a phone in my hand. Just look at the photographic evidence: I'm fairly certain I was dialing up the baby boy who'd been next to me in the nursery to see what he was doing later. Check me out - all dolled up in a pink dress. I was ready to party. All these years later, and my iPhone might as well be surgically attached to me. But here's the thing - if I'm not driving, I don't want to talk on the phone anymore. Call me crazy, but I spend A LOT of time in my car - an hour to work and at least an hour and a half on the way home. And in that time I try to spend every single minute on the phone. This doesn't always work, as apparently people have other things to do than entertain me on my drive, but I try. Once I get home, though, I'm done. I've had my fill. Plus, my reception sucks at home. Is that bad?

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