Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes I Surprise Myself

Here's the thing: I've been able to pick random celebrities out of a crowd from a very young age. I don't know why I've been granted this unique gift, but there it is: I'm a good spot. After honing my skills at Sundance for many years and learning to recognize celebrities trying to hide behind many layers of clothes, I'd like to think I've honed my craft to a tee.For example, I was able to recognize the hilarious Judy Greer even with darker hair and bangs. It's just what I do.If you ask me how I could spot her (and, seriously, if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how I spotted someone, I'd be rich), I don't know how to respond to that other than the honest truth: I just can. But here's what frightens even me: the total and complete randoms. Last night I knew this guy's name was Grant Heslov. Um, hello!?! Where did that come from? I thought he'd been on some random '80s sitcom, but, no, not really. Although he's been on a myriad of things, I have no idea why I'd know his first name, last name, and face by sight. Speaking of random...this guy's name is Mo Rocca. When he walked by me I actually said, "Hi, Mo." How do I know that? I HAVE NO IDEA. I looked him up....nope, never watched that stuff. How is this information permeating my brain?!!? Should I be worried? UPDATE: THIS PERSON IS NOT, IN FACT, MO ROCCA. IT'S JOHN OLIVER FROM THE DAILY SHOW (WHICH, ACTUALLY, EXPLAINS HOW I RECOGNIZED HIM). MY POST-EMMY FRAZZLED BRAIN DID NOT COMPUTE THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY. MY APOLOGIES (AND THANK YOU FOR THE HELPFUL TIP, M).

1 comment:

  1. That last fellow is actually John Oliver... a correspondent on The Daily Show.
