Thursday, September 22, 2011

So Close....So Far Away.....

I think Duran Duran might be trying to hide from me. Well, not me specifically, but their LA fans for sure. The last time they were here in March, they had a ton of publicity shows and activities and made sure to tell everyone where they were. This time, they did a lot of stuff, but never mentioned it (sometimes didn't mention it at all even after) until after the fact. Not only did they do Extra at the Grove (missed), the Emmys (missed), and Craig Ferguson (missed), but they played a "secret gig" in Santa Monica on Monday. I actually did find out about that event beforehand and went to the location, but it was so locked down I couldn't even stand outside and wait. FAIL TO INFINITY!!! I hope they know that next week it's on like Donkey Kong. When they get back to LA (they're in Seattle now), I WILL find them. Wow, did that sound as creepy to you as it did in my head? I apologize.

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