Monday, September 26, 2011

See This: Moneyball

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I just happen to be in a movie with Brad Pitt. That's right, I was a part of the movie Moneyball. Sure, I'm just another face in the crowd (literally - I was an extra sitting in the stadium), but that's not the point. I WAS IN A MOVIE WITH BRAD PITT. How many people can say that?
The movie itself was enjoyable enough - hello, I mentioned Brad Pitt, right? There's pretty much not a lot he could do that I wouldn't watch. Sure, I would've rather had a remote in my hand to speed up all the baseball mumbo jumbo, but aside from that, it was a good film.
Jonah Hill? Well, if he's not the luckiest S.O.B. on the face of the planet, then I don't know who is. He starred in a film with Brad Pitt! Of course, I wouldn't want to be standing next to Brad Pitt onscreen for two hours - no wonder Jonah went through a major slimdown immediately after the film - but, kudos to him for holding his ground. Check it out if you get a chance! :)

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