Tuesday, September 6, 2011

See This: The Help

OK, I'll admit it: I was kind of resisting seeing The Help. Not for any special reason, I just hadn't read the book and wasn't sure it looked very interesting. I mean, I had the chance to see it with the cast last month and passed. That's how much I was wavering about it. Plus, everyone's been talking about it and I hate when a movie is overhyped because the rebel in me automatically turns against it and is overly critical. The last thing I wanted to do was hate this film. Turns out, I had nothing to worry about, as The Help is all that they say and more. I loved it! The cast is outstanding, the storyline is told in a fresh way, and there was plenty of comedy to keep me entertained. I laughed, I cried, I wanted more - which is hard to do when the film is already over two hours. I highly recommend checking out this film, which I'm sure will bring in a truckload of Academy Award nominations. Well done!

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