Thursday, September 8, 2011

Say Anything

Say Anything is a movie that I can watch a million times and still love it more and more. It's also one of those movies that has a million brilliant lines to quote from - "Joe Lies," anyone? That song rules. The first time I saw it, I wasn't a big fan of the ending, but having watched it approximately 549 times since then, I now understand it. I worship this movie - in fact, it's in my Top Five all-time favorite films.
The first person I ever met from the film was Lloyd Dobler himself, John Cusack. I was SO excited to meet him - I camped out all day to attend his premiere - and our encounter left me a *wee* bit (read: majorly) disappointed. To clarify, John Cusack will never be as lovely as his character, Lloyd Dobler. He's just not nice. Surprising, but true. I had high hopes, but they were dashed. I was lucky to get the picture (even if he was counting down "1-2-3, take your picture" as it was happening).
Luckily, I had a much better experience with the genius that is Cameron Crowe, who wrote and directed the film. Cameron was amazingly kind and humble and I just wanted to hang out with him all night.
But the most exciting person to meet by far was Diane Court, I mean Ione Skye. Ione Skye, people. Ione Skye! I'm not going to lie - I completely geeked out. I couldn't contain my joy - I was practically jumping up and down (don't judge me).
Ione is a dream come true - she was SO awesome to meet. I loved her. Both she and her husband, Ben Lee, were extremely fan friendly and cool. Thank you, Ione, for not crushing my spirit like a certain someone else from your infamous film (cough cough, John Cusack). I appreciate it.

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