Thursday, September 22, 2011

Richard Simmons Loves Me

There's something about Richard Simmons that makes you feel like he's your best friend. I've always felt that since I first saw one of his exercise videos. Throughout the years, I've tried Deal a Meal, Sweatin' to the Oldies, and a myriad of his other weight loss videos and never tire of watching him exercise or encourage people to be their best. I had the great fortune of meeting Richard the other night and he was just as amazing in person as one would hope. He teaches an exercise class several times a week (which I'm totally going to attend one of these days) and poses for pictures after the class with anyone who wants one.
When he first saw me, he walked up to me, grabbed both my hands in his, and kissed me on both cheeks. It was as though we'd known each other forever (and part of me feels that way anyway after watching him for so long).
I tweeted him our picture and he tweeted back the following: "How cute are you, Pinky?! Come dance with me soon!" Adorbs.

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