Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Paula Abdul

Back in high school (about a million years ago), my cheerleading advisor (and still a good friend of mine) had a picture of Paula Abdul and John Stamos on her wall. It was a picture of them sitting together at a BBQ hanging out and I used to just be fascinated by its normalcy. They were just sitting there? On chairs? The picture wasn't from a magazine - she'd either taken the pic, or been sent it by a friend who knew Paula and John. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and couldn't even imagine seeing them in person or taking a picture like that.
Twenty years later and I not only have a picture with John, but last night I also met Paula Adbul. So exciting! She was so tiny and cute - I could've fit her in my pocket. Super sweet. If only my high school self could see me now! :)

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