Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Kevin Rahm

First things first: I owe Kevin Rahm an apology. In what can only be described as an Epic Fail, I called out to Kevin for a picture not by using his name (as I usually do when I see a celeb I'd like to get a picture with), but by saying, "Hey! You!" and pointing. Yeah, not my proudest moment. Here's the thing, though - I really, really like Kevin Rahm. I had a crush on him when he was on Judging Amy and I enjoy his character on Desperate Housewives. Heck, I even liked him back on Jesse a trillion years ago. So, I really am a fan...I'm just also a total idiot who can't remember people's names. I'm sorry, Kevin. I really am. Thanks for still doing the pic with me. Be honest: Was it my hair? :)

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