Sunday, September 11, 2011

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Perhaps it was the beach air, perhaps it was the possibility of rain, but something caused my brain to go haywire yesterday. I literally had three separate instances where I actually I had to say, "Did I just say that out loud??!" While Sam Trammell - looking adorable in his casual gear - was signing these awesome pics my friend made for me, I *may* have said these were for my "Sam Wall." What's that? I just admitted to having a Sam Wall? Immediately I corrected myself, but the damage was done. Sam finally knows I have a crush on him - I'm sure I was completely secretive up until now.
Still, it should be noted that he signed all three things with either "Much love" or "XO." Obviously, this means he loves me, too, right? HA!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, another girl said she felt like she was in a petting zoo and I said, "We won't pet you" and another guy took his hat off and I *may* have audibly gasped and then had little hearts come out of my eyes. So, yes, I was super awesome and demure yesterday.

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