Friday, September 23, 2011

An Open Letter to Jack McBrayer

Yo, Big Meanie, Yeah, that's right, I said it: You're a big meanie, Jack McBrayer. Don't look so confused. Nope, you're not going to win me over with your innocent face and bright smile, stupid Jack. I'm done with you. DONE, I say. Sure, I'm still going to relentlessly try to wear you down into taking a picture with me, but it really shouldn't be this hard. You really shouldn't be shooting me down on a regular basis. Are you aware of who you are?!?! Nope, this isn't a pat-on-the-back for Jack, sir. This is a reprimand. You are mean to your fans. You are not Johnny Depp, Alec Baldwin, or even Tina Fey for that matter (and for the record, THEY were all more than happy to pose for a picture with me. What makes you so special?!!?). STOP IT. You're embarrassing yourself. I do NOT want to hug you. I just want you to stop being such a douche. Kenneth would be ashamed of your behavior. I'm just saying. Disdainfully, Pinky Lovejoy

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