Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Coffee Stat

As I type this, I might as well have coffee being injected into my body with an IV. Actually, that would save me the time of having to go make my triple shot cup. Where would I find such a device? Staying out late for DD last night after being out almost as late the night before does not make for a well-rested girl. Still, I'm sure I'll make it. I have two days to recover before the Big Trip to Vegas and SD (for more DD, of course).
Plus, in other exciting news, my job has been officially extended through January and I've been getting lots and lots of positive feedback on my performance! Gotta love a workplace where I feel both challenged, appreciated, and valued (and it should be noted that I found out about my job from another Duranie while we were out stalking, er, waiting for the band back in March....see, good things do come from my fandom after all!).

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