Friday, September 16, 2011

Missing: One Pair of Keys

Yesterday I did something I haven't done in a long, long time: I locked my keys in my car. Actually, I should correct that - I thought I locked my keys in the car, which is a horrible feeling either way. Sadly, now I know a feeling even worse than that: Having the locksmith open my car door only to discover that my keys weren't in the car after all. Where on earth could they be?!?! Seriously, it boggles my mind. How does one little key get so lost? ONE key! Did it escape? Was it kidnapped? Did he (I think my key is a he. No big deal. Don't judge me) run away?
Luckily, I had a spare key way back at my house, so my poor dad had to drive an hour each way to bring them to me (thanks, Dad!). Thankfully, I had that option or else I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably still be in that mall parking lot crying my eyes out.
In addition to my dad, big props going out to Lindsay for coming to pick me up (we had an event to attend in the meantime) and then keeping me company while my dad brought me my key. I'm sure that wasn't the most fun she's ever had, but she definitely kept me from totally losing my mind. Thanks Dad and Lindsay! Now, if I could just find those missing keys....

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