Monday, September 26, 2011

Make Mine Fruity

One of the big WINS at my work is the free cereal every morning provided by the company. How great is that?!!? Knowing how much I love cereal, you can only imagine my pure joy in knowing it's free for me every single day. The strange thing is that I find myself enjoying types of cereal that I'd not only never buy, but I've never really had before. My recent favorites? Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms - which I never even ate growing up. Is this some sort of rebellion? Am I aging in reverse? Do I just like sugar? Wait. Of course I like sugar - which I also enjoyed poured over my forever fave, Grape Nuts. We don't have Grape Nuts at work...which might explain it. Oh, and I'm sick of Cheerios. Regardless, I'm totally loving my colorful breakfast...make mine fruity!

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