Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Long and Short of It

The facts are these: When I was little, I remember having long hair. Not down-to-my-waist hair, but long hair. I could wear a costume and not wear a wig. My sister and I could jauntily wear buns high on our heads. And I could accessorize with rubber bands. Of course, I also remember sticking our heads out the window in the car and getting a big, tangled mess, and my mom promptly walked us to the hairdressers and cut it off. In one fell swoop, we were rocking the "Dorothy Hamill cut." Here we are with varying degrees of mulletts - I'm on the far left standing up and my sister is on the bottom right. I know what you're thinking and, yes, we are gorgeous.Here's another shot of me - I'm on the far right, second row, wearing the exact same dress as the girl in the front row (the horror!). And, of course, we had the "Sun In summer" in which I friend my hair so badly that it all had to be removed once again.
I feel like I've been growing out my hair my entire life and still, it never gets much longer than my shoulders. No matter how many times I trim it or stop cutting it or take magical beans....it's still stuck in the same place. Luckily, they make hair extensions...behold their beauty! I wanted to do something different for the Emmys and I'm super stoked with what I found. Finally! Long hair!

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