Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Official: I'm A Dog Person

I'm still so surprised by how quickly I went from an animal hater to an avid dog lover. Seemingly overnight I fell in love with my sweet little Sammy.
Suddenly, all my activities revolve around whether or not I can bring my dog. I hate leaving him home and want him around whenever possible.
To illustrate my view of animals before Sammy, my BFF Lanette got a dog in 2004. Now, I remember seeing a picture of a dog on her return address, and I'm sure I've been around the dog a million times, but it was only on this last visit a few weeks ago that I even noticed the dog. It was like I saw her for the first time.
Put it this way - I think nothing of sharing my spoon with my dog. Yeah, I'm totally that annoying dog person whose world revolves around her dog.
And I love it! Am I insane? Probably....but that has nothing to do with having a pet. ;)

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