Friday, September 16, 2011

Attack Cat

This morning as I was getting Bubba ready for his walk (read: putting on his harness and leash), I heard a terrible noise and saw him lunge for an object. To my horror and dismay, this is what I saw: A feral, rabid black cat that somehow decided to take up residence in our garage and torture my dog. His face, however, looked a lot more like this. He was not a nice cat by any means. Instantly, I transformed into protective mother mode and found the nearest stick to play pinata cat. Don't worry, I wasn't actually going to hit the cat. I just wanted to be armed and ready if need be. In reality, I swung the stick, hit the ground, and the horrible beast fled. Crisis averted.
Still, it wasn't what I wanted to see at 4:45 in the morning. Obviously that stupid cat didn't read my sign. No stray cats allowed! Sheesh.

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