Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zazzle SUCKS

I would like to officially rescind my previous praise of the website and go on record as saying this website SUCKS. Seriously, they've got some serious problems. It's probably for the best, as I was thoroughly enjoying their site and thinking I'd most likely be spending every paycheck there. As it turns out, I don't know that I'll ever shop there again.
Why am I so bitter? Well, I ended up caving and buying my "Team Nick Rhodes" shirt and was SO excited to get it - until I received an email saying my order was cancelled because my design wasn't approved. Um, what now? This wasn't MY design - it was a shirt I found on THEIR site. I didn't advertise it, nor was there any indication that if I ordered it I'd be shot down at a future time. Isn't that false advertising? I should be rewarded for the emotional distress they've caused as I'm SO sad. Plus, they're keeping my money for like two weeks. What gives? Jerks!

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