Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pinky's Fandance Redux: Jason Ritter

OK, OK, I know what you're thinking: "Pinky Lovejoy, why do you possibly need 493 pictures with Jason Ritter?" It's a valid question. Of course, I only have maybe 15 pictures with him, but I see your point. It does seem a bit excessive even for me. But here's the thing: Jason Ritter is SO nice you can't help wanting to be near him. This was our first picture in 2003. Yes, my hair is lovely (*gag*).
To mix things up, I thought I'd show you a picture where he has no hair and mine is red.
Ah, one random night in the rain. Despite the wet dog look, I really like this picture.Now, I won't bore you with every single picture we've ever taken, but I will share the latest in our collection - aren't we the cutest? Yes, yes we are.

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